About Us

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Vital Proteins® is here to help you make the most of every moment, every day.
Because we know that feeling good, looking our best and giving our best starts within us.
Wellness is a journey and we are here to support you every step of the way.



A message from our founder, Kurt Seidensticker

I launched Vital Proteins in 2013 with only one goal in mind: to help people live fuller, more vibrant lives.

The journey to launch Vital Proteins began years earlier, around the same time I started to feel discomfort in my knees from running. I've always been an avid runner, so this setback was enough to spark my search for a product that would help keep my joints healthy.

After a lot of research, I found that incorporating a collagen supplement into my diet was the answer, as nutrient-dense foods don't provide enough amino acids for the body to naturally produce collagen.

Things changed for me after that. It only made sense to share the benefits of collagen with others so that they too could reach their full potential and improve their wellness routines with every scoop.

That's why we offer a wide range of premium collagen products to best suit every lifestyle - no matter how busy or active you are - providing the tools you need for a more satisfying wellness routine.

I am so glad that you also have the chance to experience this now. Welcome to the VP family!

Your Well-Being is Vital!

Kurt Seidensticker, CEO




"It only made sense to share the benefits of collagen with others so that they too could reach their full potential.” - Kurt Seidensticker, CEO